

开始你的旅程 房地产经纪人 is an exciting milestone, but choosing the right brokerage to kickstart your career is crucial. This decision sets the tone for your professional growth, 支持, and success in the industry. That’s why it’s critical you have a full list of questions for the broker interview.

幸运的是, 用正确的方法和明智的问题, you can navigate the process of finding a sponsoring broker effectively. 在本指南中, we’ll explore the essential steps to help you make an informed decision and find a sponsoring broker that aligns with your goals and aspirations.


  • 新的房地产经纪人需要一个赞助经纪人的指导, 培训, 支持, 和资源, 在这个行业取得成功的关键因素是什么.
  • Partnering with a reputable brokerage enhances credibility 获得宝贵的机会.
  • 寻找合适的担保经纪人, 代理商应该研究一下当地的经纪公司, 参加房地产活动, 求推荐, and conduct interviews to assess compatibility with their goals and preferences.
  • 在面试潜在的担保经纪人时, 代理商应该询问培训和支持, 技术与资源, 委员会结构, 办公室文化, 增长机会, 市场焦点, 合规支持, 以及做出明智决定的成功指标.


A sponsoring broker is essential for 新房地产经纪人s as they provide mentorship, 培训, 支持, 以及对行业成功至关重要的资源. 与信誉良好的经纪公司合作可以提高你的信誉, 市场达到, 获得宝贵的机会. Also, most states require real estate salespeople to work under a more experienced broker.



全面的培训: Gain access to formal 培训 programs and on-the-job mentorship.


营销支持: Receive assistance with listing photography, marketing materials, and lead generation.

事务管理: Receive guidance on handling paperwork, coordinating inspections, and closing transactions.


找一个担保经纪人就像找工作一样. Here are some guidelines to help you find a brokerage that fits you best.

1. 调查当地券商.

Before scheduling interviews with brokerage firms, take the time to research each one thoroughly. Visit their websites, read reviews, and seek insights from fellow agents or industry professionals. Pay attention to market reputation, company values, size, geographic reach, and specialties. This preliminary research will help you narrow your options and formulate informed questions during the interview.

2. 参加房地产活动和社交机会.

Expand your network and gain firsthand insights by attending real estate events, 研讨会, 还有网络会议. 与其他代理人合作, 经纪人, 并收集行业专家的建议, 了解不同的经纪公司, 探索潜在的合作机会.

3. 寻求推荐.

利用你的朋友圈, 家庭, 和熟人介绍给有信誉的经纪公司. Seek recommendations from experienced agents or mentors who can provide valuable insights and guidance based on their own experiences.

4. 面试潜在的担保经纪人.

Schedule interviews with prospective 经纪人 to ask targeted questions and assess their compatibility with your goals and preferences. Aim to meet with representatives from multiple brokerage firms to compare offerings and gain diverse perspectives. 咨询培训项目, 委员会结构, 营销支持, 以及事务管理服务. Treat each interview as an opportunity to learn and gather insights to inform your decision-making process.


列一张面试时要问的问题清单. These questions should cover various aspects of the brokerage and the following topics.


  • 你们为新代理商提供什么培训项目?
  • 你们提供继续教育课程吗?
  • 你能告诉我你的指导或辅导计划吗?
  • 是否有团体培训或课程来帮助提高网上赌博网站十大排行的技能?

培训是行业的重要组成部分. With things changing so quickly, it’s hard to stay on top of everything. Whether the classes are to learn the brokerage’s systems or ongoing legal & 合同培训,保持敏锐是必不可少的!山姆·菲兹-西蒙,房地产经纪人


  • 你们提供什么类型的管理支持?
  • 有什么营销工具可供我使用?
  • 你能告诉我你们的特工使用的技术吗?
  • 你们提供什么样的CRM工具?

在加州做房地产经纪人, I’m glad I asked what resources and tools the brokerage offered to help market properties and 支持 clients. 在IPA商业地产, we have access to leading listing platforms like LoopNet and CoStar to maximize exposure for our clients’ properties. 网上赌博网站十大排行还在数字营销方面投入了大量资金, with professional photography for all our listings and customized marketing plans for each property. ——马特·摩根 IPA商业地产


  • 你们提供的佣金分成是多少?
  • 你们收桌子费吗?
  • 你们提供分级佣金分成吗?


  • 你能描述一下你们公司的文化吗?
  • 办公室文化是合作的还是竞争的?
  • 代理如何相互支持?

In hindsight, I wish I had asked more about company culture and values. Joining a brokerage with a collaborative environment and commitment to community involvement has been very rewarding. At IPA, we work together to solve problems for clients and sponsor local charities and events. ——马特·摩根 IPA商业地产


  • 成为团队领导的途径是什么?
  • 有经验的座席可以担任哪些管理角色?
  • 你会帮我考经纪人执照吗?


  • 你能告诉我你们的市场占有率吗?
  • 你是专注于住宅市场、商业市场还是利基市场?


  • What 支持 do you offer when navigating contracts, regulations, and ethical dilemmas
  • 您的法律合规和风险缓解方法是什么?


  • Can you share your brokerage’s track record of agent success and retention?
  • 代理商达到或超过销售目标的百分比是多少?
  • 我可以事先和我的销售经理讨论一下我的目标吗?

Your sales manager should be someone who is a 支持 system to help your growth. 他们应该有丰富的信息 & 做一个做了自己想做的事的人. 山姆·菲兹-西蒙,房地产经纪人

During the interview, approach each conversation with a curious and open mindset. 做笔记,但也要观察办公室里的动态. After each interview, take time to reflect on your impressions and insights. 评估每个经纪业务如何与你的优先事项和目标保持一致.


Once you’ve completed the interview process, weigh the pros and cons of each brokerage. 考虑文化契合度等因素, 培训和支持服务, 委员会结构, 增长机会, 与你的长期目标保持一致. Remember that choosing a brokerage is a significant decision but not irreversible. Stay open to reassessing your options if your circumstances or career trajectory changes.

面试经纪人 新房地产经纪人 你的职业生涯走上正确道路的关键是什么. 与勤奋, 洞察力, 积极主动的心态, you’ll find the perfect brokerage partner to 支持 you as you embark on your journey in the real estate industry.


网上赌博网站十大排行 Real Estate School offers all the continuing education you need to keep your California real estate license active and all the 支持 you need to complete it quickly and easily. 在联合学校取得执照.
